On Wednesday, January 13th we gathered for a meaningful and practical conversation about faith and mental health, hearing from local experts Dr. Valencia Wiggins, Dr. Deborah Gorton, and Pastor Charles Butler.
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/ Dr. Valencia Wiggins /
Dr. Wiggins is the Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Moody Theological Institute. Dr. Wiggins has worked in a variety of clinical settings including college counseling centers (Wheaton College Counseling Center, and Moody Bible Institute Counseling Services), and private practice (Meier Clinics). Clinical and research interests include depression, anxiety, trauma, women’s issues, eating disorders, grief, and loss. She also has professional memberships in the American Psychological Association and in the American Counseling Association.
/ Dr. Deborah Gorton /
Dr. Gorton earned both her MA in Psychology and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology in Pasadena, CA. Additionally, she holds an MA in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Presently, she serves as the Director of Moody Theological Seminary’s Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program as well as Moody's Counseling Center. She is also the founding president of Siv Consultation, a private therapy practice located in Chicago.
/ Pastor Charles Butler /
Charles M. Butler is a co-founder of Hope Church Chicago, after serving as Pastor for Shepherding and Men’s Ministry at the Moody Church for 16 years. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Charles also completed the School for Spiritual Direction and the Next Step course taught by Dr. Larry Crabb.